Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Design a Day Challenges

These are two of several letterpress flyers I made to promote Bud Rodecker’s lecture last year at Bradley. I cranked these out using only the wood-type available in the art building during one class period. I felt like this was a perfect image to kick off a design blog because Rodecker, a principal designer at Thirst in Chicago,  was hired into the industry after college because of his blog. The designer maintained a blog where he challenged himself to create something artistic everyday. By forcing himself to do something creative everyday and post it online for the world to see, Rodecker was able to work on his craft without over thinking. With the nearly infinite possibilities computers offer, it is important to put restrictions on yourself as an artist. Time and material restrictions, like the ones that were imposed on my promotional flyers above, often lead to the most creative work. Like Rodecker, I hope to post something new to this blog everyday.

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