Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Adam Adamowicz

    With the recent release of Fallout 4 I wanted to take the time to single out an artist who's work I've appreciated since Bethesda released Fallout 3 in 2008. Adam Adamowicz was a concept artist with the gaming studio from Fallout 3 until his death due to complications from lung cancer in 2012.  He played a major role in designing  the post-nuclear retro futuristic world of fallouts 3 and 4 as well as the more fantastical middle earth of Skyrim.  I'm not usually into video game concept art or video games in general, but there was something about Adamowicz's style that grabbed me. Maybe it was the humor within his sketches. Or perhaps I was drawn to the fact that he was one of the few modern concept artists who didn't use a computer.  The artist would render all of his images with pens, chartpak markers and chalk pastels. There's a loose sketchy feel to a lot of his work that really appeals to me. I have always been more of an ideas person, and the route of  concept artist intrigues me. If I could be payed just to come up with the initial ideas behind a rebranding, I'd be happy.

Head here to see more of Adamowicz's work:

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